She was on TV last week wearing silver stiletto sandals with bells %26amp; whistles, a hot pink dress (that might have looked nice if they had it in her size!), and a leather crop jacket. Of course, she also had many, many rings on her fingers. She must have felt self-conscious, having to stand up and adjust her dress and looking at herself in the monitor. When she first made it big-time, she seemed much more wholesome and not all about material stuff. I was deeply disappointed!
After listening to the interview, I had to wonder if she had so much as a high school education, as %26#039;concept%26#039; was the most profound word I heard coming from her mouth. She writes much of her own music, so she must have a better command of the English language. But guess what? If you don%26#039;t use it, you%26#039;ll lose it!
Does anyone else think Mariah Carey dresses like a cheap hooker?
Oh I so agree with you. I seen the show you are referring to and thought that it was very unprofessional of her and strange that she kept looking at herself in the monitor. I think she dresses like that b/c she feels she has to. Did you see the show %26quot;Cribs%26quot; when she was on it. She changed clothes more on that one show than some ppl change in a week.
Reply:THANKYOU!!!!!!! She has a great voice and a nice body and all, BUT somebody besides me Finally said it! I think ever since she got a divorce, her outfits have been getting smaller and smaller. I liked the old Mariah...
Oh and to make it worse, she%26#039;s coming out with a Lingerie line soon!
Reply:she has a nice curvasous body but yes she could dress much nicer than she does . rather than cheap outifts. she sort of gives to look that every guy has had her maybe not but she needs a new change. classy rather than trashy in some styles.
Reply:All singers are the same. To get your attention. Especially at award presenting ceremonies and they will wear as little as they can.
Reply:She is an ignorant trollop! Dresses %26amp; acts like trash. Even though I despise pop music, her music %26amp; attitude when she first came out was so much better than now. She looks like the corner special.
Reply:%26quot;Do not judge lest thee be judged!%26quot;
What Mariah does is HER business. And her business is making money! Which she does VERY well!
Jealousy does not suit you!
Reply:I do, she looks whory, but peolpe like her so what the heck, if it ain%26#039;t hurting you, let her be
Reply:She is so 1992... she needs to retire... but to answer your question YES she needs to dress more age appropriate for damn sure!
Reply:Totally, Girlfriend. ;)
Reply:Show me a cheap hooker that looks like Mariah Carey, and i%26#039;ll change my name to John!
Reply:Helll yah! and just listen to her songs.... Touch My body (hmmm that sounds like what you play at a one night stand) Shake it off (once again pretty slutty.)
Reply:More like an expensive one...
Reply:She keeps showing off her boobs.
Reply:Yes I do but she is still hot and has a rockin body.
Reply:Any idea how much she charges?
Reply:Yes , Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:she dresses too nasty for me.. yea she may have the figure.. but shes older now and needs to act her age.. .. i dont like her at all...
Reply:I concur.
Reply:omg! I saw that and I thought the same thing haha
Reply:Dont talk about my girl....she doesnt look cheap by any means....get a grip.
Reply:I would say a mid priced hooker.
and yes I LIKE it
Reply:why do you care?
Reply:No I don%26#039;t so stop hating on her, she%26#039;s not talking about you. We don%26#039;t know how you look.
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