Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why oh why does the pup only steal my shoes? not both, just one shoe of every pair?

i actually had to leave the house with two differnt shoes yesterday.. and they happened to both be the left....good thing they were sandals.......why the heck does she do this?? only mine, my hubby can leave his nice leather shoes out, the kids tenny shoes. the baby%26#039;s shoes..... but she only takes mine.....

Why oh why does the pup only steal my shoes? not both, just one shoe of every pair?
Because she loves you! She can smell your scent on your shoes, and she only needs one ... seriously, a dog%26#039;s sense of smell is soooo overwhelming, she just can%26#039;t resist.

My dog does the same thing, only with him, it%26#039;s socks, rather than shoes. We have so many pairs of mis-matched socks because he loves to steal just one sock.

Best you can do is put all the socks and shoes out of your pup%26#039;s reach for now ... but don%26#039;t be surprised if she goes for your underwear or even your bedsheets! They LOVE to surround themselves with the smell of the people they love most, so take it as a compliment.
Reply:I%26#039;d say it%26#039;s because she likes you :) She most likely smells your scent in your shoes. As for one shoe...that is strange, maybe just a coincedence that she takes the right ones. Put the shoes in a closet or drawer until she gets over the phase.

Does she do it when your gone? Or all the time? Either way, you can try giving her a sock or two that you%26#039;ve worn(to have your scent on them) or a t shirt or something you don%26#039;t want anymore. Especially if she does it when you leave. I know it%26#039;s said when you go away for a period of time, and have to board your dog or something, you should give them something with your scent on it for them to feel comfort or something....
Reply:Very ponderous...Cute question. I guess she thinks %26quot;been there, done that%26quot; time for a new shoe.

As far as why only yours....maybe you need to buy some stay-a-way spray for your shoes. Supposed to help them NOT want to chew on things that they shouldn%26#039;t be chewing on. Or she doesn%26#039;t like the food you are giving her and is seeking her sweet revenge one shoe at a time....LOL!
Reply:I think she just loves you so much she wants your scent near her. Velvet (my avatar) who is 8 years old does the exact samething with my shoes. Like you, only mine %26amp; she never tears them up, just carries them around!! She doesn%26#039;t do it everyday, but quite frequently!!
Reply:She probably likes you the best. Just remember to put your shoes up high or in the closet.
Reply:One of my dogs did the same thing when she was a puppy. Just mine not my hubby%26#039;s. We corrected her by redirecting her attention to a toy so she knew what she was allowed to chew on. She is probably teething........ I guess it must be the smell our shoes had. LOL

But I must admit I put up my real nice shoes until she was out of that stage! (but I did leave some so I could correct her)
Reply:Maybe your puppy just really likes you, and since she probably smells your scent coming from your shoes she takes them. Since she is still a puppy she might get distracted easily, which is probably why she only takes one shoe of every pair.

This is just what I think. I have a dog myself and she loves stealing shoes too!!


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