Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Need to "tan" my white heels?

My BF gave me these beautiful white sandals, but when I wear them they look way to %26quot;bright white%26quot;... a thing I dont like. They are matte PU (synthetic, not leather) so I was thinking to put them to receive some direct sunlight to cause the white to turn some how to the yellow side color.. Will these work? How much time would be necessary of sun tanning needed?

...its much like the phenomena that happens to the shoes stores show at the windows, that suddenly they turn yellowish due to the excessive light exposure...

...but I%26#039;m afraid that too much direct light might harden the syntethic material and tend later to crack...

Need to %26quot;tan%26quot; my white heels?
Your concerns about hardening are probably valid. Instead, turn the straps inside out to find an inconspicuous area to experiment upon. See if rubbing on and off dark brown shoe polish will produce the effect you want (use the paste-type polish rather than the self-shining kind). For a more-pronounced effect, roughen the surface very slightly with fine sandpaper or a scouring pad before applying the polish. If that works, very consistently and lightly repeat the procedure over the entire outside. Remember: you can go over the surface again to darken it but there will be no way to lighten it. Good luck!


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